He has the right to ask for a change of doctor. It is very essential to do this so that the injured employee can receive the best possible treatment for his injury. If the worker requests a change of doctor, his attorney can help him choose the most appropriate one given his unique circumstances. If he cannot work, he has the right to receive a percentage of his salary, about 66.67%. If he cannot work at all because of his medical restrictions and his employer cannot accommodate his needs, then he is also entitled to an additional percentage of his weekly income. If a doctor has concluded that the patient has reached maximum medical improvement, he will follow the diagnosis by assigning an impairment rating. The impairment rating indicates the extent of permanent damage to your body as a result of your injury. The injured employee may then be eligible for impairment income benefits which are paid to injured employees to compensate them for the damage to their body due to a work-related injury.
Yes, you can request an independent medical examination (IME). That is an expert opinion from a third party doctor.
Yes, if your employer does not have insurance, they are obligated to pay lost wages and cover medical costs you incurred as a result of your injury.
Companies with less than three employees are not required to carry workers compensation insurance. However, they are still liable for benefits in the event you suffer an accident or injury.
Absolutely! It is illegal to fire someone who has a work accident or requests workers compensation benefits.
Lost wages are based on your average weekly earnings over the 13 weeks before the date of the accident.
Yes, the insurance company may pay Permanent Total Disability in the event the doctors determine you are permanently disabled and vocational experts say you can no longer work.